Welcome to Mrs. Millennial! I’m Whitney, and I’ll be your fearless blog leader on this adventure through my life of cooking, gardening, travel, hobbies, money, and much, much more.
Why are you Mrs. Millennial?
The short answer is because I am, in fact, a proud millennial! And a married one, at that. Specifically, I’m part of the Xennial generation. And while the media loves to portray me and my fellow millennials as special snowflakes whining about a lack of jobs from the comforts of our parents’ basements…that’s not my reality.
Instead, the hubby and I work full time corporate jobs, own a home, travel EXTENSIVELY, volunteer frequently, and just generally live life. So that’s what I capture on this blog; a real glimpse at the millennial generation, and the surprising things we sometimes care about: from travel hacking to urban gardening to healthy food and much, much more.
I hope you’ll enjoy! If you ever want to get in touch, share an idea for a post, or give some feedback, you can reach me via email.

Want to Work With Me?
Great! I love working with brands that are relevant and interesting to my audience. I bring my 10+ years experience as a lifestyle blogger and professional marketer to the table to ensure a high-quality experience to all our brand partnerships. Learn more in my media kit, here.
Advertising and Affiliate Disclosure:
MrsMillennial.com relies on advertising and affiliate marketing to pay its bills, just like many other internet properties! This means that from time to time, we’ll receive compensation from the companies whose products are featured in some of our pages, or on advertisements that appear on our site.
However, we will always provide our true and honest opinion of any products we link in our blog posts, and strive to make sure advertisements are clearly marked. Further, we’ll disclose if we ever get something as a “freebie” in exchange for a post. Mrs. Millennial is independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. Learn more in our privacy policy.