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So, it’s late August. And the ‘rona still rages. So we stay in our homes and take advantage of the one indulgence life still affords us: retail therapy from Amazon.
Below, you’ll find 8 things that we’ve ordered recently on Amazon that are both completely unnecessary and yet utterly delightful. I highly recommend all of them as a way to break up the monotony of quaran-times with something momentarily excellent.
1. Edible Glitter for Cocktails
We’re all drinking too much, right? Now, you can add a little edible fairy dust to said drinks, and feel 100% more bougee while sipping on your White Claw. If you’re somehow magically getting through these times without alcohol, the prism powder works just as well in virgin drinks, or even frozen into ice cubes.
2. Magical Flames for Your Firepit
We’ve used these on camping trips in the past, as seen in the top photo of this post, and they’re just stupid fun. You throw a few of them into your fire and boom! Goodbye boring, regular flames and hello rainbow unicorn flames.
3. A Pellet Smoker to Turn Any Grill Into Barbecue
So I know some of you Yankees and Europeans are probably thinking “aren’t a grill and a barbecue the same thing?” And the answer is DEFINITELY NOT. Barbecue is meat cooked over low heat and smoke for a long period of time, usually in a smoker that is mostly sealed so that the temperature can be controlled and the smoke is contained and held in. Whereas a grill is just a device to produce flames on food that cooks it really quickly. The problem is, smokers are pricey – the quintessential smoker for beginners, the Big Green Egg, will set you back $400 for their smallest model. But with this little device from Amazon, some aluminum foil to close up your grill vents, and some wood chips, you can transform your existing grill into a smoker for less than $20. We’ve successfully smoked beef ribs and a flat brisket in ours so far and it works surprisingly well!
4. A Spa-Style Robe
So we got these in order to have a little spa day at home. But then we sort of never got out of them. These have become our de-facto lounge wear around the house. They’re just sooooo comfy!
5. A Giant Inflatable Unicorn Yard Sprinkler
So technically my bestie bought one of these for her backyard and not us, but it looks like a blast. I mean, it’s a 5-foot-tall unicorn that shoots water out of its horn. How could it not be a blast?! She has reported that it’s an excellent pool alternative for a hot summer day.
6. Dinosaurs to Hold Up Your Crunchy Tacos
During Quarantine, I feel like #TacoTuesday has really come into its own. I’m making fajitas, tacos, or nachos at least once a week at this point. And if you’re feeling like a hard shell taco, then you obviously need a dinosaur to help hold up your tacos for you. Obviously.
7. Floppy Fishy Cat Toy
You’re not the only one stuck in quarantine. Your cat has been having to put up with you being home all the time too. We got ours this new cat toy recently, and she absolutely loses her mind over it. She likes that it’s big enough that she can get her “killing feet” engaged on it.
8. Electric Bug Zapping Racket
Speaking of our cat, she demands that we go outside for an evening constitutional every day despite the fact that it’s hotter than the surface of the sun. And lately, the mosquitoes (which also happen to carry West Nile Virus in our area) have added to the distinct unpleasantness of it all. So now we can zap them when they bug us. It’s very enjoyable.
So there you have it. These things won’t cure the coronavirus. They won’t help you deal with your rage at the President. They won’t help you find a job if you’ve unfortunately lost yours in this whole mess. But they might make you smile for a few minutes, and sometimes, that’s all we need.