Video: Unboxing our Woot Bag of Crap

We bought two "bags of crap" from Woot, and this is what they contained.

We recently had the opportunity to order two “Bags of Crap” from deal-of-the-day website,, in celebration of their 13th birthday.

Now — what is a Bag of Crap, you ask, and why would anyone want one? Well, it could be anything they had lying around in the Woot wearhouse. And as for the why: the best I can describe it is that it’s kind of like playing Let’s Make a Deal…you might get the brand new living room set…or you might be stuck with a pile of old tires.

As Woot has grown (and is now part of Amazon) the Bags of Crap have taken on a near-mythical status, thanks to Woot occasionally throwing in plenty of non-crappy items, like tvs, computers and gaming systems. Unboxing videos are common. We even saw one with a guy who got a whole pallet of crap, containing 74 items! These things sell out in seconds, usually. Their unveiling has crashed Woot’s servers on multiple occasions. They have quite the cult following.

So what will be contained in our magical $10 bags of crap? Watch the video to see:

In other words….a whole lot of crap! Looks like we’ll have a Goodwill trip in our near future, to make a few donations 🙂 So would I recommend a Bag of Crap? Well, it certainly isn’t very Mustachian. But it was a fun way to spend $10, so I give it crap-tastic two thumbs up.