Comments on: 24 Hours in Manchester, England, including the Crystal Maze, Tea at Opus One, and the Comedy Store Lessons on Food, Travel, Money, and Marriage from a 21st-Century Broad. Sat, 22 Jul 2017 15:22:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Corinne Sat, 22 Jul 2017 15:22:00 +0000 That’s a really unique afternoon tea! I’ve never seen one like that before. I like that they put their own local twist on it.

By: Kathy James Mon, 03 Jul 2017 19:21:00 +0000 I am home from my travels for just a few weeks so reading this post could not have come at a better time.I live just one hour north of Manchester! I am so eager to visit the crystal maze. I used to watch it as a child and really wanted to be one it. You have also reminded me how brilliant the Comedy Club is. I need to book the train south!

By: Kim Bui Sat, 01 Jul 2017 16:58:00 +0000 Seems like you were able to do a lot in just 24 hours in Manchester! I would love to try out The Crystal Maze, I’ve yet to do any escape room challenges. My dream is to go to the UK and have afternoon tea there one day! So funny that they called it a Gentleman’s Tea.

By: Jean Bean Sat, 01 Jul 2017 01:17:00 +0000 Right now I could really go for some Russian spring punch! It seems like you did a whole heap in just 24 hours. The food looks fantastic. I’d never have picked Manchester for good food.

By: Archana Singh Fri, 30 Jun 2017 16:33:00 +0000 You seemed to have packed a lot on 24 hours in Manchester. Renaissance Manchester City Centre Hotel looks very cool. I specially loved the backdrop. Your food your looks great too.

By: Whitney aka Mrs. Millennial Fri, 30 Jun 2017 00:54:00 +0000 In reply to Dave McClane.

It was a bit of an odd time, Dave, but the Mancunian spirit was certainly very strong. We didn’t make it to Leeds this trip, but maybe next time!

By: Whitney aka Mrs. Millennial Fri, 30 Jun 2017 00:54:00 +0000 In reply to Shannon Epstein.

Thanks, Shannon! We really enjoyed our trip.

By: Shannon Epstein Thu, 29 Jun 2017 20:59:00 +0000 I love this post. You pretty much covered everything! The food looked fantastic, I loved the wall paper in the hotel room. But the best part was seeing the memorial as heart breaking as it is. Thank you so much for sharing!

By: Dave McClane Thu, 29 Jun 2017 13:00:00 +0000 It must have been quite a strange time to visit the city, sombre but also uplifting to see Manchester coming together for each other. Being just over the Penines in Leeds, I should really visit Manchester more than I do – especially for the Crystal Maze! I used to love that show and i’m looking forward to watching the new reboot! I’ve never heard of a gentleman’s tea before but i seems more my style than the usual sandwiches and cakes. I’ll have to see if the Radisson Blu in Leeds does the same thing!

By: Claire Summers Wed, 28 Jun 2017 15:46:00 +0000 I’m from Liverpool and I’ve spent so much time in Manchester. i can;’t say I’ve done any of these things though! I really must do some next time I’m home. Oh I did go to the comedy club though. I love that place!
