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Recently, one of my best friends decided to give Weight Watchers a try, and after seeing her success, I decided I would join in too. Of course, the hardest part about any diet is making it work around “real life” and we had already scheduled one of our bi-annual camping excursions for this past weekend.
So, there was nothing to do but figure out how to make a camping trip Weight Watchers friendly!
Luckily, with the new Weight Watchers Smart Pointsprogram, this really wasn’t too hard. Here’s what we ate this weekend:
Dinner, Dinner Day One: 15 Smart Points

Breakfast, Breakfast Day Two: 3 Smart Points

Lunch, Day Two (No Picture, Sorry!): 12 Smart Points
Ham Sandwich (2 slices Sara Lee Soft & Smooth Bread, 4 oz Thin Sliced Ham, 1 tsp mayo, lettuce, and tomato), 1 serving baked bbq chips
Dinner, Day Two: 11 Smart Points

Breakfast, Day 3: 7 Smart Points

And if you’re wondering, but…what about her weeklies or fitpoints? Surely Whitney got a few more points than this? Yep…..but we drank them, haha. What’s camping without a little “sauce” for sitting around the campfire?
Of course, even though I did dip into my weeklies a bit, I don’t really feel too bad about it, because we also took a 2+ hour hike each day, resulting in my getting more than 15k steps a day, according to my Fitbit.
Not a Weight Watcher? Fine. Here’s some more photos from our camping trip:

Interested in giving Weight Watchers a go yourself? Right now, Mrs. Millennial readers can get a great deal by signing up through any of the links on this page: join now & you’ll save over $125 for Weight Watchers OnlinePlus Plan AND get a free Apple Watch. Restrictions Apply. See site for details.